Point System

In order to qualify for the Port City Tee Cup, a player must:

Compete in at least 4 events

Be current on Annual Dues and Event fees

Handicaps, play and scoring

First and foremost, this is a casual league, more of a social gathering 😊 but again, we all like to compete and golf is the ultimate sport where you are competing against the course and its target score.  Its been said many times by all levels of golfers “Golf is Hard” which is an understatement in my opinion.

To “try” and level the playing field and make the administration of things a bit easier, a modified approach to handicaps and scoring was developed.

Each of us establishes a handicap after playing two rounds and the handicap is updated with each subsequent event played. Currently, handicaps are calculated using the 2019 USGA Handicap System. A new Handicap system was put in place in January 2020 (World Golf Handicap) and we will investigate moving to the new system in the future. 

How we compute things:  Multiple things go into the calculation of the Competition Score used to determine the winner of an event.

  • An individual’s Handicap is added to Course Par to give your Target Score for the course. 

  • A calculation is made based upon the Course Rating to come up with a Course Increment used in the calculation.

  • The Course Increment is then added to your Actual score giving your Adjusted Score

  • The Competition Score is obtained subtracting your Target Score from the Adjusted Score

The Competition Score used to determine who wins an outing.  Confusing right?

Ok, lets put some numbers in play here.

On a Beautiful day in May, Bob played Brunswick Forest.  Bob’s Handicap base on previous rounds is 25.5 (used to be better but work got in the way).  Bob plays the white tee’s which have a course rating of 69.3 so his course increment is 2.7. Having not played since November, Bob shoots an actual score of 106 and if not for shooting a 47 on the back, would have sold his clubs and changed from golf to bird watching.  To calculate his Competition Score

  • Course Par = 72

  • Course Rating (White Tee box) = 69.3

  • Course Increment = 2.7 (Par minus Course Rating)

  • Handicap = 25.5

  • Target score for the course = 97.5 (Par (72)+Handicap (25.5))

  • Actual Score = 106

  • Adjusted Score = 108.7 (Actual Score (106) + Course Increment (2.7))

  • Competition Score = 11.2 (Bobs Adjusted score (108.7) – Target Score (97.5))

This calculation is done for everyone competing and the individual with the lowest Competition Score Wins.

Is it perfect? No!  Is it consistent?  Yes? Is it Fair?  “Fair died in the Garden of Eden!” (Andy Stanley – Catalyst 2011)


How Points are Awarded

1st - 100 points (200 MAJOR)

2nd - 75 points (150 MAJOR)

3rd - 50 points (100 MAJOR)

4th - 35 points (70 MAJOR)

5th - 25 points (50 MAJOR)

6th-10th - 15 points (30 Major)

11th+ - 10 points (20 Major)


Additional points are awarded for:

10 = Event Entry

10 = You Invite a Friend (10 point max per tournament)

10 = Handicap is beaten

10 = Closest to pin

10 = Premiere Hole Challenge

30 = Hole in One